BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//August Hill Winery - ECPv6.4.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for August Hill Winery REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Chicago BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:CDT DTSTART:20200308T080000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20201101T070000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200604T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200604T163000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200506T223527Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200604T020213Z SUMMARY:Thirsty Thursday Wine Education DESCRIPTION:Since we can’t give you all tastings at our bar right now\, Tasting Room Associate Emily will be delivering a wine education session straight to you on Facebook Live! Emily will be drawing upon her experience behind the bar and researching some of the most frequently asked questions about wine. If you have a specific question on your mind\, please reach out and we will do our best to answer during our Thirsty Thursday Wine Education sessions! \nJune 4th // Take the guesswork out of glassware: Do different glasses really make a difference in the taste of the wine? What glassware should I choose to emphasize my favorite wine? Is there truly such a thing as a universal glass? URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200612T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200612T203000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200609T181706Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200612T223320Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” on Friday\, June 12\, from 4:30-8:30 pm\, located at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard in Peru\, Illinois. \nTickets\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. You will need to reserve a spot in order to attend the event. You will be limited to 1 car with 6 people max. The cost per car is $15. Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-orders: To make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event\, please pre-order your wine when reserving your spot for the event (wine tasting kits are not available at the event so please don’t include these in your wine order). We will have a limited menu of chilled bottle selections which were not pre-ordered. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\n\nFood at Event\nMickey’s Massive Burritos will have their food truck at the event! \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. There is very little flat surface so blanket seating is recommended. You can bring a tent or umbrella for shade\, but try to be respectful of others when staking your spot. The hill is pretty steep. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nDirections\nYou will receive a confirmation email when your reserve your parking spot. The directions are at the bottom of that email. \nEntertainment\nAl & Jeannie Brown will be providing music from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots from 1-2 pm. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nFeel free to bring snacks or other food\, but don’t forget that Mickey’s Massive Burritos will have their food truck at the event!\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket for seating\nSunscreen & bug spray\nUmbrella or small tent (we have limited shade)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 6 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200613T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200613T170000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200604T011211Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200612T223408Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” on Saturday\, June 13\, from 1-5 pm\, located at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard in Peru\, Illinois. \nTickets\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. You will need to reserve a spot in order to attend the event. You will be limited to 1 car with 6 people max. The cost per car is $20. Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-orders: To make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event\, please pre-order your wine when reserving your spot for the event (wine tasting kits are not available at the event so please don’t include these in your wine order). We will have a limited menu of chilled bottle selections which were not pre-ordered. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\n\nFood at Event\nMickey’s Massive Burritos will have their food truck at the event! \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. There is very little flat surface so blanket seating is recommended. You can bring a tent or umbrella for shade\, but try to be respectful of others when staking your spot. The hill is pretty steep. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nSteve Sharp\, Katie Belle & the Belle Rangers Acoustics\, and Christina Eltrevoog will be providing music from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots from 1-2 pm. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later.\nDirections\nYou will receive a confirmation email when your reserve your parking spot. The directions are at the bottom of that email. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nFeel free to bring snacks or other food\, but don’t forget that Mickey’s Massive Burritos will have their food truck at the event!\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket for seating\nSunscreen & bug spray\nUmbrella or small tent (we have limited shade)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 6 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200619T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200619T203000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200614T151938Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200616T214428Z SUMMARY:Friday Wine on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” on Friday\, June 19\, from 4:30-8:30 pm\, located at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard in Peru\, Illinois. \nLimited Tickets – Reserve a Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. You will need to reserve a spot in order to attend the event. You will be limited to 1 car with 6 people max. The cost per car is $15. Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-orders: To make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event\, please pre-order your wine when reserving your spot for the event (wine tasting kits are not available at the event so please don’t include these in your wine order).  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nStone Jug BBQ is offering delivery to the event. To order\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275 and let them know you are ordering for the August Hill event. Click here to view the menu. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. There is very little flat surface so blanket seating is recommended. You can bring a tent or umbrella for shade\, but try to be respectful of others when staking your spot. The hill is pretty steep. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nJohn Piontek will be providing music from 5-8 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots from 1-2 pm. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later.\n\nDirections\nYou will receive a confirmation email when your reserve your parking spot. The directions are at the bottom of that email. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (if you are not pre-ordering from Stone Jug BBQ)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket for seating\nSunscreen & bug spray\nUmbrella or small tent (we have limited shade)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 6 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nIf we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and issue you a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200620T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200620T170000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200614T151609Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200620T175301Z SUMMARY:Saturday Wine on the Hill DESCRIPTION:CANCELLED DUE TO EXPECTED THUNDERSTORMS. \nJoin us for “Wine on the Hill” on Saturday\, June 20\, from 1-5 pm\, located at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard in Peru\, Illinois. \nLimited Tickets – Reserve a Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. You will need to reserve a spot in order to attend the event. You will be limited to 1 car with 6 people max. The cost per car is $20.  Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-orders: To make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event\, please pre-order your wine when reserving your spot for the event (wine tasting kits are not available at the event so please don’t include these in your wine order). We will have a limited menu of chilled bottle selections which were not pre-ordered. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nStone Jug BBQ is offering delivery to the event. To order\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275 and let them know you are ordering for the August Hill event. Click here to view the menu. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. There is very little flat surface so blanket seating is recommended. You can bring a tent or umbrella for shade\, but try to be respectful of others when staking your spot. The hill is pretty steep. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nBig Uproar will be providing music from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots from 1-2 pm. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later.\nDirections\nYou will receive a confirmation email when your reserve your parking spot. The directions are at the bottom of that email. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (if you are not pre-ordering from Stone Jug BBQ)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket for seating\nSunscreen & bug spray\nUmbrella or small tent (we have limited shade)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 6 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nIf we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and issue you a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200623T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200623T160000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200621T170835Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200621T170835Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Cheers! DESCRIPTION:Join Emily and Sophia every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook Live at 3:30 for an update on all the upcoming August Hill Winery and Illinois Sparkling Company news! They will be informing you about our upcoming events\, new wine and merchandise\, changes in our operation during this difficult time\, and more – all with a smile on their faces and a glass of wine in their hands. Drop by the live stream and tell them what you’re drinking\, how you’ve been keeping busy\, what your favorite AHW and ISC wines are\, or ask them any burning questions you may have about wine! URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200626T163000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200626T203000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200621T171603Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200621T171603Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” on Friday\, June 26\, from 4:30-8:30 pm\, located at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard in Peru\, Illinois. \nLimited Tickets – Reserve a Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. You will need to reserve a spot in order to attend the event. You will be limited to 1 car with 6 people max. The cost per car is $15. Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-orders: To make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event\, please pre-order your wine when reserving your spot for the event (wine tasting kits are not available at the event so please don’t include these in your wine order).  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nStone Jug BBQ is offering delivery to the event. To order\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275 and let them know you are ordering for the August Hill event. Click here to view the menu. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. There is very little flat surface so blanket seating is recommended. You can bring a tent or umbrella for shade\, but try to be respectful of others when staking your spot. The hill is pretty steep. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nKevin Kramer will be providing music from 5-8 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots the first hour of the event. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later.\n\nDirections\nYou will receive a confirmation email when your reserve your parking spot. The directions are at the bottom of that email. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (if you are not pre-ordering from Stone Jug BBQ)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket for seating\nSunscreen & bug spray\nUmbrella or small tent (we have limited shade)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 6 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nIf we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200627T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200627T170000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200621T165816Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200621T165816Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” on Saturday\, June 27\, from 1-5 pm\, located at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard in Peru\, Illinois. \nLimited Tickets – Reserve a Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. You will need to reserve a spot in order to attend the event. You will be limited to 1 car with 6 people max. The cost per car is $20.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-orders: To make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event\, please pre-order your wine when reserving your spot for the event (wine tasting kits are not available at the event so please don’t include these in your wine order). We will have a limited menu of chilled bottle selections which were not pre-ordered. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nStone Jug BBQ is offering delivery to the event. To order\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275 and let them know you are ordering for the August Hill event. Click here to view the menu. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. There is very little flat surface so blanket seating is recommended. You can bring a tent or umbrella for shade\, but try to be respectful of others when staking your spot. The hill is pretty steep. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nBig Uproar will be providing music from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots from 1-2 pm. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later.\nDirections\nYou will receive a confirmation email when your reserve your parking spot. The directions are at the bottom of that email. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (if you are not pre-ordering from Stone Jug BBQ)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket for seating\nSunscreen & bug spray\nUmbrella or small tent (we have limited shade)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 6 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nIf we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200630T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200630T160000 DTSTAMP:20240503T095459 CREATED:20200629T214957Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200629T220131Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:Join Emily and Sophia every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook Live at 3:30 for an update on all the upcoming August Hill Winery and Illinois Sparkling Company news! They will be informing you about our upcoming events\, new wine and merchandise\, changes in our operation during this difficult time\, and more – all with a smile on their faces and a glass of wine in their hands. Drop by the live stream and tell them what you’re drinking\, how you’ve been keeping busy\, what your favorite AHW and ISC wines are\, or ask them any burning questions you may have about wine! URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR