BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//August Hill Winery - ECPv6.3.7//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for August Hill Winery REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Chicago BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:CDT DTSTART:20200308T080000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20201101T070000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200501T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200501T180000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200416T165455Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200418T164716Z SUMMARY:Fizz Fanatic Fun DESCRIPTION:Bubbly Wenzel is getting fizzical! \nGet ready for an educational and fun bubbly wine journey with August Hill & ISC winemaker and founder\, Mark Wenzel.  Everyone is welcome to join Mark for the educational sessions\, but if you want to enjoy the ultimate journey\, order our Fizz Fanatic bundle so you can truly be a part of the bubbly fun.  Since this live session will be happening before dinnertime\, we also have suggested food pairings for you to continue your enjoyable evening. \n  \nOrder the Fizz Fanatic bundle\nThere are two bubbly options to choose from. Each bundle includes 6 bottles of bubbly\, 2 “new” ISC flight glasses\, and 2 sparkling wine stoppers! \n\nFizz Fanatic Bundle 1 is a mix of ISC and AHW bubbly. This includes ISC Brut\, Pét Nat\, Sec and Brut Ombré Rosé; August Hill Mardi Gras and Almond Infusion. The total value of this bundle is $175\, but your special price for the complete bundle is $120 if you are a Wine Club Member and $135 if you are a non-member. (This is price after discounts are applied at the final checkout and does not include taxes or shipping.)\nOrder Fizz Fanatic Bundle 1 by clicking here.\nFizz Fanatic Bundle 2 is all ISC bubbly. This includes ISC Ensemble\, Brut\, Pét Nat\, Brut Ombré Rosé\, Sec\, and Demi Sec Rosé. The total value of this bundle is $227\, but your special price for the bundle is $160 if you are a Wine Club Member and $180 if you are a non-member. There are only 120 of this bundle available. (This is price after discounts are applied at the final checkout and does not include taxes or shipping.)\nOrder Fizz Fanatic Bundle 2 by clicking here.\n\nAvailable for curbside pick-up or shipping: Insider Wine Club members receive 50% off shipping; non-members receive 25% off shipping. This special offer available through April 24\, while supplies last. \n  \nJoin our Fizz Fanatic Facebook Live Sessions\nJoin winemaker Mark to learn more about bubbles in three weekly Facebook live sessions\, beginning on Friday\, April 24. The sessions will be held on our Illinois Sparkling Co. Facebook page (see the FAQs below for more info).  Here are the three sessions: \n\nFriday\, April 24\, 5pm start: “Under Pressure”\nBubbly Wenzel will provide so much information about pressure\, it might just make your head explode! Differences in creating pressure.  How does pressure change?  Using sparkling wine stoppers. How long does a bottle keep after opening?\nBundle 1 wines: ISC Brut & AHW Mardi Gras   Bundle 2 wines:  ISC Brut and ISC Demi Sec Rosé\nCarry out dinner suggestion:  Cajun food or fried chicken\n\n\nFriday\, May 1\, 5pm start:  “Why can’t I call it Champagne”\nDiscussion on the different processes of getting bubbles in the bottle.  Is it Champagne?  Is it Sparkling Wine? Or is it Neither?\nBundle 1 & 2 wines: ISC Pét Nat & ISC Sec.\nCarry out dinner suggestion: Pizza or shrimp/fish\nFriday\, May 8\, 5pm start:  “Popping your bubble”\nPerfecting the Bubble.  How do bubbles form?  What pops your bubble?\nBundle 1 wines: ISC Brut Ombré Rosé & AHW Almond Infusion   Bundle 2 wines:  ISC Brut Ombré Rosé & ISC Ensemble\nCook-out/carryout suggestion:  Burgers or brats with fries\n\n  \n FAQ’s\n\nWhy is Bubbly Wenzel doing this?  First\, it’s about education and these are topics that our staff and many customers enjoy Bubbly Wenzel talking about. Secondly\, we are in some strange times and Bubbly Wenzel needs to get out of the vineyard and winery and start selling more wine.  Finally\, let’s have a BUBBLY Good Time!\nWhy are you sending glassware? You’ll be the first to try out our new ISC flight glasses\, which are perfect for enjoying bubbles. Bubbly Wenzel really enjoys bubbles out of these glasses\, and we think you’ll love them as much as we do! If you prefer your own glassware\, that is perfectly fine.\nWhy are you sending sparkling wine stoppers?  No fear\, you won’t have to drink all your bubbles that evening.  Unfortunately sparkling wine corks can not fit back into the bottle\, but Bubbly Wenzel will talk about how these stoppers will keep bubbles in your wine.\nCan I purchase my own wines for the tasting?  Sure\, anyone can follow this tasting\, but Bubbly Wenzel will be focusing on the wines selected for the two options of the Fizz Fanatic Bundles.\nCan I add to my order?  Of course you can add wines to your order\, and you can save more!  If you make your order a full case shipment\, you will get the case shipment discount on the bundle and the additional wine you purchase. Call us at the Tasting Room at 815-667-5211 if you want to add additional wines to your order.\nI have never used Facebook Live\, how do I use that? You will need to have a Facebook account to join in the fun live. On the day and time of the event\, simply go to this link:  . If you are not on Facebook\, you will have the option to view the videos after they are completed on our YouTube channel. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200507T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200507T163000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T223153Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200507T152255Z SUMMARY:Thirsty Thursday Wine Education DESCRIPTION:Since we can’t give you all tastings at our bar during the shutdown\, Tasting Room Associate Emily will be delivering weekly wine education sessions straight to your living room! Emily will be drawing upon her experience behind the bar and researching some of the most frequently asked questions about wine. If you have a specific question on your mind\, please reach out and we will do our best to answer during our Thirsty Thursday Wine Education sessions! \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMay 7th // Opening your wine and perfecting your pour: How do I open my wine without breaking the cork? How do I open sparkling wine or infusions safely? How can I pour a glass of wine without spills or droplets? What’s the best way to pour carbonated wine without losing any bubbles? \nMay 14th // Lets talk about tannins: What are tannins and how do they affect me? Why do some wines have more tannins than others? Why do they make my mouth feel dry? What are sulfites and are they bad for me? \nMay 21st // Pair like a professional: Are there any golden rules to pairing wine and food? What foods should I avoid pairing with wine? How can I pair food with a wine that I have never drunk before? What happens to the alcohol when I cook with wine? \nMay 28th // Storing and serving like a sommelier: What temperature should I keep my wine at? Should I drink it right away? Do I drink it at the same temperature as I store it? How do I know if a bottle of wine has gone bad? When should I decant or aerate? \nJune 4th // Take the guesswork out of glassware: Do different glasses really make a difference in the taste of the wine? What glassware should I choose to emphasize my favorite wine? Is there truly such a thing as a universal glass? \n\n\nSee Less \n\nDrinks\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHosted by URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200508 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200511 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20171023T152142Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200507T135029Z SUMMARY:Insider's Wine Club Will Call Pick-Up DESCRIPTION:Insider’s Wine Club members can begin picking up their May wine club orders beginning on Friday\, May 8! \nWINE CLUB PICK UP WEEKEND- MAY 8-10\, 11am-5pm \nFor Wine Club Weekend only\, your wine club order(s) can be picked up by our lounge door. Look for the Wine Club pick-up sign and the table. \n\nPark in front of the tasting room.\nYou won’t need to call us. You can go directly to the table in front of the lounge door for your wine club pick up.\nKindly maintain social distancing when in line to pick up your wine club order.\nNeed more wine? If you would like to purchase additional wine\, please order online before you stop by. Give us at least 20 minutes to get your wine together for you so you don’t have to wait. \n\n  \nAFTER WINE CLUB WEEKEND – MAY 11 until further notice \nCan’t make it to the Tasting Room for Wine Club Pickup weekend? No problem. Simply follow our normal curbside pickup procedures. \n\nPark in front of the Tasting Room.\nCall us at 815-667-5211 to let us know you have arrived and whether you are here to pick up an online order\, your wine club order\, or both. We will confirm your order and bring your wine to you!\nFor the safety of you and our team members\, we ask that you please stay in your car\, and our staff will bring your wine out and set it on the table outside. The box or bags will have your name on it. Once our staff is back inside\, you can safely get your wine from the table. If you order a case\, and aren’t able to carry it\, let us know and we will be happy to split your order into multiple bags to make it easier to carry. Thank you all for your support. Be sure to wave hi to our staff from the safety of your car. We miss you all and do love to see you.\n\n  \nWINE CLUB VIRTUAL EVENT \nSince we can’t have our regular Will Call event\, we will be doing a virtual tasting with you on May 22 at 5 pm. We hope you can join us! URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200508T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200508T180000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200416T165546Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200418T164805Z SUMMARY:Fizz Fanatic Fun DESCRIPTION:Bubbly Wenzel is getting fizzical! \nGet ready for an educational and fun bubbly wine journey with August Hill & ISC winemaker and founder\, Mark Wenzel.  Everyone is welcome to join Mark for the educational sessions\, but if you want to enjoy the ultimate journey\, order our Fizz Fanatic bundle so you can truly be a part of the bubbly fun.  Since this live session will be happening before dinnertime\, we also have suggested food pairings for you to continue your enjoyable evening. \n  \nOrder the Fizz Fanatic bundle\nThere are two bubbly options to choose from. Each bundle includes 6 bottles of bubbly\, 2 “new” ISC flight glasses\, and 2 sparkling wine stoppers! \n\nFizz Fanatic Bundle 1 is a mix of ISC and AHW bubbly. This includes ISC Brut\, Pét Nat\, Sec and Brut Ombré Rosé; August Hill Mardi Gras and Almond Infusion. The total value of this bundle is $175\, but your special price for the complete bundle is $120 if you are a Wine Club Member and $135 if you are a non-member. (This is price after discounts are applied at the final checkout and does not include taxes or shipping.)\nOrder Fizz Fanatic Bundle 1 by clicking here.\nFizz Fanatic Bundle 2 is all ISC bubbly. This includes ISC Ensemble\, Brut\, Pét Nat\, Brut Ombré Rosé\, Sec\, and Demi Sec Rosé. The total value of this bundle is $227\, but your special price for the bundle is $160 if you are a Wine Club Member and $180 if you are a non-member. There are only 120 of this bundle available. (This is price after discounts are applied at the final checkout and does not include taxes or shipping.)\nOrder Fizz Fanatic Bundle 2 by clicking here.\n\nAvailable for curbside pick-up or shipping: Insider Wine Club members receive 50% off shipping; non-members receive 25% off shipping. This special offer available through April 24\, while supplies last. \n  \nJoin our Fizz Fanatic Facebook Live Sessions\nJoin winemaker Mark to learn more about bubbles in three weekly Facebook live sessions\, beginning on Friday\, April 24. The sessions will be held on our Illinois Sparkling Co. Facebook page (see the FAQs below for more info).  Here are the three sessions: \n\nFriday\, April 24\, 5pm start: “Under Pressure”\nBubbly Wenzel will provide so much information about pressure\, it might just make your head explode! Differences in creating pressure.  How does pressure change?  Using sparkling wine stoppers. How long does a bottle keep after opening?\nBundle 1 wines: ISC Brut & AHW Mardi Gras   Bundle 2 wines:  ISC Brut and ISC Demi Sec Rosé\nCarry out dinner suggestion:  Cajun food or fried chicken\n\n\nFriday\, May 1\, 5pm start:  “Why can’t I call it Champagne”\nDiscussion on the different processes of getting bubbles in the bottle.  Is it Champagne?  Is it Sparkling Wine? Or is it Neither?\nBundle 1 & 2 wines: ISC Pét Nat & ISC Sec.\nCarry out dinner suggestion: Pizza or shrimp/fish\nFriday\, May 8\, 5pm start:  “Popping your bubble”\nPerfecting the Bubble.  How do bubbles form?  What pops your bubble?\nBundle 1 wines: ISC Brut Ombré Rosé & AHW Almond Infusion   Bundle 2 wines:  ISC Brut Ombré Rosé & ISC Ensemble\nCook-out/carryout suggestion:  Burgers or brats with fries\n\n  \n FAQ’s\n\nWhy is Bubbly Wenzel doing this?  First\, it’s about education and these are topics that our staff and many customers enjoy Bubbly Wenzel talking about. Secondly\, we are in some strange times and Bubbly Wenzel needs to get out of the vineyard and winery and start selling more wine.  Finally\, let’s have a BUBBLY Good Time!\nWhy are you sending glassware? You’ll be the first to try out our new ISC flight glasses\, which are perfect for enjoying bubbles. Bubbly Wenzel really enjoys bubbles out of these glasses\, and we think you’ll love them as much as we do! If you prefer your own glassware\, that is perfectly fine.\nWhy are you sending sparkling wine stoppers?  No fear\, you won’t have to drink all your bubbles that evening.  Unfortunately sparkling wine corks can not fit back into the bottle\, but Bubbly Wenzel will talk about how these stoppers will keep bubbles in your wine.\nCan I purchase my own wines for the tasting?  Sure\, anyone can follow this tasting\, but Bubbly Wenzel will be focusing on the wines selected for the two options of the Fizz Fanatic Bundles.\nCan I add to my order?  Of course you can add wines to your order\, and you can save more!  If you make your order a full case shipment\, you will get the case shipment discount on the bundle and the additional wine you purchase. Call us at the Tasting Room at 815-667-5211 if you want to add additional wines to your order.\nI have never used Facebook Live\, how do I use that? You will need to have a Facebook account to join in the fun live. On the day and time of the event\, simply go to this link:  . If you are not on Facebook\, you will have the option to view the videos after they are completed on our YouTube channel. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200512T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200512T172000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T222241Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200520T211437Z SUMMARY:August Hill Chill - Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:We typically have the official release of the August Hill Chill on April 1\, but weren’t able to do that this year. But we finally figured out a way to celebrate with you. \nWe’ve put together a Wine & Chill bundle for you to enjoy a chill at home! \nThe Wine & Chill Bundle\nThe bundle includes 2 bags of chill mix and 2 wines that we really enjoy in our chill machine: Berlyn and Chambourcin Rosé. Price for the pack is $50.98 (before taxes and wine discounts).\nClick here to add the bundle to your cart. \n** If you wish to add additional wines to your bundle order and are having your wine shipped\,  please call us at 815-667-5211 to place your order. ** \nJoin us for a Virtual Cheers\nEmily is going to gather a couple of our staff members to share a virtual August Hill chill toast with you all. Join us on Facebook live at 5 pm for the toast. To join\, go to at 5 pm on Tuesday\, May 12.  If you cannot find our stream on the day of the event\, try refreshing your page. \n  URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200513T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200513T173000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T222822Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T222822Z SUMMARY:Live Pop-Up Store DESCRIPTION:Join us as we continue our online store weekly on Wednesdays at 5 pm. We will show our merchandise available for curbside pickup at the Utica Tasting Room – we have everything from glassware to wine accessories to snacks or even jewelry! To join\, go to at 5 pm on the day of the event. You can also access all of our previous live videos at that link. If you cannot find our stream on the day of the event\, try refreshing your page URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200514T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200514T163000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T223244Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T223244Z SUMMARY:Thirsty Thursday Wine Education DESCRIPTION:Since we can’t give you all tastings at our bar during the shutdown\, Tasting Room Associate Emily will be delivering weekly wine education sessions straight to your living room! Emily will be drawing upon her experience behind the bar and researching some of the most frequently asked questions about wine. If you have a specific question on your mind\, please reach out and we will do our best to answer during our Thirsty Thursday Wine Education sessions! \nMay 14th // Lets talk about tannins: What are tannins and how do they affect me? Why do some wines have more tannins than others? Why do they make my mouth feel dry? What are sulfites and are they bad for me? URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200516T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200516T113000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T202237Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200507T151914Z SUMMARY:Mimosa Day Virtual Tasting DESCRIPTION:Celebrate brunch’s favorite beverage with us on National Mimosa Day. We will be going live on Facebook to present a few ideas for you to try at home any time you feel like a fun and fruity drink. Emily will show you the best ways to mix your mimosas\, tell you how to make your own simple syrups\, and give you some ideas for garnishes! To stock up for this live session\, check out our special Mimosa Bundles: \nOrder a Mimosa Bundle\nThere are so many ways to make a great mimosa. The mimosas we are discussing will be focused on the wines in these mimosa bundles. We will include all the recipes for you so you can join us for the virtual tasting with a mimosa in hand. \nAugust Hill Mimosa Bundle: Angel of Hope\, Mardi Gras\, and mimosa recipes\nClick here to add the August Hill Mimosa Bundle to your cart \nAugust Hill/ISC Bundle: Cranberry Infusion\, Brut Ombré Rosé\, and mimosa recipes\nClick here to add the Add August Hill/ISC Mimosa Bundle to your cart \nISC Bundle: Brut\, Sec\, and mimosa recipes\nClick here to add the ISC Mimosa Bundle to your cart \n** If you wish to add additional wines to your bundle order and are having your wine shipped\,  please call us at 815-667-5211 to place your order. ** \nJoin us for a Virtual Tasting\nThe virtual mimosa tasting will be on Saturday\, May 16\, at 11 am. Join us on Facebook Live at this link. URL: LOCATION:IL ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200519T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200519T173000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T222333Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T222333Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:We will be going live every Tuesday at 5 pm to sip and chat with you all during the shutdown! We miss you all dearly and would love the chance to catch up with our guests. \nWe’ve got a few questions to get the conversation going:\nWhat has been your favorite drink at home?\nHow have you been staying busy and having fun at home?\nWhat local businesses have you been supporting? URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200520T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200520T173000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T222909Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T222909Z SUMMARY:Live Pop-Up Store DESCRIPTION:Join us as we continue our online store weekly on Wednesdays at 5 pm. We will show our merchandise available for curbside pickup at the Utica Tasting Room – we have everything from glassware to wine accessories to snacks or even jewelry! To join\, go to at 5 pm on the day of the event. You can also access all of our previous live videos at that link. If you cannot find our stream on the day of the event\, try refreshing your page URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200521T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200521T163000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T223338Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T223338Z SUMMARY:Thirsty Thursday Wine Education DESCRIPTION:Since we can’t give you all tastings at our bar during the shutdown\, Tasting Room Associate Emily will be delivering weekly wine education sessions straight to your living room! Emily will be drawing upon her experience behind the bar and researching some of the most frequently asked questions about wine. If you have a specific question on your mind\, please reach out and we will do our best to answer during our Thirsty Thursday Wine Education sessions! \nMay 21st // Pair like a professional: Are there any golden rules to pairing wine and food? What foods should I avoid pairing with wine? How can I pair food with a wine that I have never drunk before? What happens to the alcohol when I cook with wine? URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200522T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200522T180000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200507T135620Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200507T135620Z SUMMARY:Wine Club Virtual Tasting DESCRIPTION:Join us this Friday\, May 22\, at 5 pm for a Wine Club Virtual Tasting Experience! We will be going Live on Facebook and Zoom to discuss the four wines which were chosen for May’s Insider Wine Club – Brut Rosé de Saignée\, Chardonel\, Seyval Blanc\, and Raspberry Infusion. Have a little fun and follow along at home with your own bottles of wine! All are welcome to enjoy the Facebook Live tasting\, and Wine Club Members will receive a special invite to join us on Zoom if you would like. URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200523 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200526 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200514T201550Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220507T210128Z SUMMARY:Utica Drive-Thru Shopping DESCRIPTION:The small businesses in Utica are providing a drive-thru shopping experience during the 3-day Memorial Day weekend\, May 23-25: Saturday\, Sunday & Monday\, from 11am-3pm\, . Businesses throughout town are participating. On Mill Street\, which is where August Hill is located\, traffic will be directed from north to south for you to shop. \nOur staff will be taking orders for any of your wine needs as you drive through\, and we are also offering four types of wine picnic packs (while supplies last) during the drive-thru event. \nPICNIC PACKS:\n* Dry Wine & Cheese: 1 bottle of Seyval Blanc\, 1 bottle of Norton\, 1 Ropp Jersey Cheese\, 1 bag of Crunchmaster crackers\, 1 travelers corkscrew\, a coloring book with colored pencils plus disposable plates\, cheese knife\, napkins\, and wine glasses for 2 people. $55.08 (before wine savings and taxes).\n* Sweet Wine & Cheese: 1 bottle of Trapolino\, 1 bottle of Sweet Catawba\, 1 Ropp Jersey Cheese\, 1 bag of Crunchmaster crackers\, 1 travelers corkscrew\, a coloring book with colored pencils plus disposable plates\, cheese knife\, napkins\, and wine glasses for 2 people. $41.08 (before wine savings and taxes).\n* Semi-Dry/Port Wine & Chocolate: 1 bottle of Seyval Blanc\, 1 bottle of Augie’s Blackberry\, 1 Cocoa Blue Chocolate Sea Salt Bark\, 1 Cocoa Blue Mixed Chocolate bag\, 1 travelers corkscrew\, a coloring book with colored pencils plus disposable plates\, napkins\, and wine glasses for 2 people. $47.33 (before wine savings and taxes).\n* Sweet Wine & Chocolate: 1 bottle of Niagara\, 1 bottle of Moscato\, 1 Cocoa Blue Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar\, 1 Cocoa Blue Chocolate candy bar\, 1 travelers corkscrew\, a coloring book with colored pencils plus disposable plates\, napkins\, and wine glasses for 2 people. $44.53 (before wine savings and taxes). \nWINE SAVINGS\nWine Club Members receive 20% off these bundles and on any wines ordered. Non-members receive 10% off. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200526T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200526T173000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T222414Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200507T000816Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:We will be going live every Tuesday at 5 pm to sip and chat with you all during the shutdown! We miss you all dearly and would love the chance to catch up with our guests. \nWe’ve got a few questions to get the conversation going:\nWhat has been your favorite drink at home?\nHow have you been staying busy and having fun at home?\nWhat local businesses have you been supporting? URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200527T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200527T173000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T222950Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T222950Z SUMMARY:Live Pop-Up Store DESCRIPTION:Join us as we continue our online store weekly on Wednesdays at 5 pm. We will show our merchandise available for curbside pickup at the Utica Tasting Room – we have everything from glassware to wine accessories to snacks or even jewelry! To join\, go to at 5 pm on the day of the event. You can also access all of our previous live videos at that link. If you cannot find our stream on the day of the event\, try refreshing your page URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200528T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200528T163000 DTSTAMP:20240501T105222 CREATED:20200506T223431Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200506T223431Z SUMMARY:Thirsty Thursday Wine Education DESCRIPTION:Since we can’t give you all tastings at our bar during the shutdown\, Tasting Room Associate Emily will be delivering weekly wine education sessions straight to your living room! Emily will be drawing upon her experience behind the bar and researching some of the most frequently asked questions about wine. If you have a specific question on your mind\, please reach out and we will do our best to answer during our Thirsty Thursday Wine Education sessions! \nMay 28th // Storing and serving like a sommelier: What temperature should I keep my wine at? Should I drink it right away? Do I drink it at the same temperature as I store it? How do I know if a bottle of wine has gone bad? When should I decant or aerate? URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR