BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//August Hill Winery - ECPv6.4.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:August Hill Winery X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for August Hill Winery REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Chicago BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:CDT DTSTART:20200308T080000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20201101T070000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201205T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201205T143000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200417T160746Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201202T041223Z SUMMARY:Wine & Chocolate Virtual Tasting DESCRIPTION:Do you love chocolate and wine?  Then you are in for a real treat! Mark Wenzel (August Hill & ISC winemaker) and Josh Becker (Cocoa Blue Chocolates chocolatier) are teaming up to do a virtual wine & chocolate tasting with you on Saturday\, December 5! These two are so fun to listen to because they are both so passionate about what they do. \nORDER THE WINE & CHOCOLATE BUNDLE: 3 WINES + 12 CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES!\n**Order today – orders will ship out or can be picked up beginning on Monday\, November 23.** \nYou’ll need the wine & chocolate bundle to join in all the fun. This amazing bundle is only $95 and includes the following: \n\nSample chocolate tasting pack: 70% dark chocolate\, 54% dark chocolate\, milk chocolate\, white chocolate\n1st Pairing – ISC Sec with 4 Cocoa Blue Chocolate truffles:  Key Lime\, White Chocolate Peanut Butter\, White Chocolate Coconut \, and Milk Chocolate Mint\n2nd Pairing – August Hill Berlyn with 4 Cocoa Blue Chocolate truffles: Dark Chocolate French Caramel\, Milk Chocolate Salted Whiskey\, White Chocolate Espresso\, and Dark Chocolate Espresso\n3rd Pairing – Augie’s Blackberry with 4 Cocoa Blue Chocolate truffles: Dark Chocolate Classic\, Dark Chocolate Salted Whiskey\, Limoncello\, and Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Crunch\n\nOrder your bundle at \n**Please note: If you would like to order more than 1 bundle\, or add additional wines not included in your bundle\, please call the Tasting Room at 815-667-5211 to place your order.  \nJOIN OUR VIRTUAL TASTING SESSION ON DECEMBER 5\nThere are three options to be a part of the virtual session. \nSaturday\, December 5\, 1:00-2:30 pm \n\nYou can join us on Zoom at and the meeting ID is 912 0308 8066. You can access Zoom on a computer\, tablet or phone. For a tablet or phone\, you will need to download the Zoom app first.\nYou can also watch us on Facebook Live. We will be streaming the Zoom broadcast on the August Hill Facebook page found at this link:\n\nCan’t attend on Saturday? \nWe’ll record the zoom session\, and it will be available for watching on our YouTube channel the day after the event: URL: LOCATION:Facebook Live Virtual Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201201 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201225 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20181127T214133Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201221T174352Z SUMMARY:Holiday Specials DESCRIPTION:20% off One-Year Wine Club Gift Membership – December 20-24\n \nGive the gift that keeps on giving – a one-year Insider’s Wine Club Gift Membership! Receive 20% off the price of a one-year membership December 20-24. A one-year membership includes six bi-monthly shipments of August Hill and/or ISC wines. Please Note: Gift Club memberships are not available online. Stop by the Tasting Room or give us a call at 815-667-5211 to sign up for a gift membership. The 20% discount applies to 1-year memberships only (6 orders). \nClick here to see the gift club pricing BEFORE the discount \n  \nOnline Case Shipping Deal – now through December 24 \n\nInsider Wine Club Members receive free shipping on new case orders (12 bottles)! Insiders also receive a 20% discount on wine.  Enter coupon code CASE2020 to receive your discount.\nNon-members pay only $10 for shipping and receive a 10% discount on wine when you ship a case of wine (12 bottles). Enter coupon code SANTA2020 at checkout.\n\nMix and match August Hill wines and ISC sparkling wines. \n  \nFree Gift Wrapping\nOur Tasting Room elves will be happy to wrap any of your Tasting Room purchases for free. \n  \nGift Baskets & Bundles\nWe have pre-made gift baskets and bundles that you can order online and have shipped. You can also order these items for curbside pickup\, in-store pick up and local delivery ($75 minimum for delivery. \n  \nShopping\, Shipping\, Curbside Pickup and Local Delivery\nHere are the many ways we can get your favorite wines to you: \n\nShopping: The shopping area of our Tasting Room is open 11am-6pm daily\, but with a 10-person capacity at this time.\nShipping: We continue to offer shipping to: AZ\, CA\, CO\, DC\, FL\, IL\, IN\, IA\, MI\, MN\, MO\, MT\, TX and WI\nPick Up: Order online and pick up curbside or in our store.\nLocal Delivery: We are offering free local delivery when you purchase $75 or more of wine or merchandise. Delivering every Friday. Place your order by 4pm on Thursday to receive delivery on Friday. Delivery area: La Salle\, Putnam\, Bureau\, and Grundy counties. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201124T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201124T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201028T172641Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201028T173837Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm.  For only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! \n  \nLUNCH CHOICES \n* Turkey club Sandwich – roasted turkey breast\, bacon\, lettuce\, tomato\, and cranberry sauce stacked on 3 slices of white toast. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Muffaletta Sandwich – a New Orleans staple. Ham\, Genoa Salami\, Mortadella\, Provolone\, Mozzarella and Olive tapenade on Brioche. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Salami Mozzarella and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich – Genoa salami\, fresh mozzarella olive oil\, roasted red bell peppers and basil on a French roll. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Thai Pita – Peanut butter\, honey\, lime\, cilantro and chimi churri served open face on pita. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201121T133000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201121T153000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201112T224131Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201115T223358Z SUMMARY:Virtual ISC Tasting with Pops for Champagne DESCRIPTION:Let the bubbly holiday season begin! We are very excited to announce a virtual tasting event with our friends from Chicago’s premier Champagne bar\, Pops for Champagne! \n\nThis event will be hosted via Zoom on Saturday\, November 21\, at 1:30 pm – live from the ISC winery and caves. Mark Wenzel (aka Bubbly Wenzel)\, our founder and winemaker will co-host the event with Pops for Champagne Wine Director\, Michael Seward (aka Champagne Jesus). Michael has been with Pops for Champagne for over 20 years\, and we are really looking forward to his visit. You definitely do not want to miss this amazing experience! \n\n\n \n\n\nORDER TODAY\, PICK UP BEGINNING NOV. 18\n\n\nSparkling wine bundles will be available for pickup or shipping beginning Wednesday\, November 18. Free local delivery also available on November 20. To take part in this tasting event\, simply purchase our “Virtual ISC Tasting” at this link.\n\n\n \n\n\nTHE VIRTUAL ISC TASTING BUNDLE – ONLY $99\n\n\nYour tasting bundle will include all of these items:\n\n\nThree bottles of ISC traditional method sparkling wines: Ensemble\, Brut Ombré Rosé\, and Demi Sec Rosé\nTwo classic dark chocolate truffles from Cocoa Blue Chocolates\nThree sparkling wine stoppers\nInstructions for joining the Zoom session\n\n  \nWHAT BUBBLY WENZEL & CHAMPAGNE JESUS WILL COVER:\n\nThe history of ISC\nISC wine-making style\nThe Illinois-grown grapes used to make the wines\nThe history of the Ensemble collaboration\nThe three wines in your bundle\nA mini tour of the ISC winery and caves\n\n  \nIt’s sure to be an informative and fun session when Bubbly Wenzel & Champagne Jesus get together. \n  \nCan’t attend the Zoom session? No problem. We’ll have the video available on our YouTube channel for all attendees the day after the event. URL: LOCATION:Virtual Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201118T113000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201118T160000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201118T002913Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201118T133623Z SUMMARY:Patio Closed - 11:30am-4:00pm DESCRIPTION:Our patio will be closed on Wednesday\, from 11:30am-4:-0 pm for a private event. There is limited outdoor seating available in front of the Tasting Room during this time. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201117T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201117T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201028T172607Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201028T173847Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm.  For only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! \n  \nLUNCH CHOICES \n* Turkey club Sandwich – roasted turkey breast\, bacon\, lettuce\, tomato\, and cranberry sauce stacked on 3 slices of white toast. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Muffaletta Sandwich – a New Orleans staple. Ham\, Genoa Salami\, Mortadella\, Provolone\, Mozzarella and Olive tapenade on Brioche. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Salami Mozzarella and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich – Genoa salami\, fresh mozzarella olive oil\, roasted red bell peppers and basil on a French roll. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Thai Pita – Peanut butter\, honey\, lime\, cilantro and chimi churri served open face on pita. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201113 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201116 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20171023T161051Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201110T214045Z SUMMARY:Insider's Wine Club Will Call Pickup DESCRIPTION:Insider Wine Club will call members are invited to pick up their November orders during Will Call Pick Up Weekend! \nWINE CLUB PICK UP WEEKEND- NOVEMBER 13-15\, 11AM-6PM\nFor Wine Club Weekend only\, your wine club order(s) can be picked up by our lounge door. Look for the Wine Club pick-up sign and the table. \n\nPark in front of the tasting room.\nYou won’t need to call us. You can go directly to the table in front of the lounge door for your wine club pick up.\nKindly wear a mask and maintain social distancing when in line to pick up your wine club order.\nNeed more wine? If you would like to purchase additional wine\, please order online before you stop by. Give us at least 30 minutes to get your wine together for you so you don’t have to wait. \n\n  \nPICK UP NOVEMBER 16 OR LATER\nCan’t make it to the Tasting Room for Wine Club Pickup weekend? No problem. You can pick up your order inside the tasting room OR utilize our curbside pickup. For curbside pickup\, call us at 815-667-5211 to let us know you have arrived and whether you are here to pick up an online order\, your wine club order\, or both. We will confirm your order and bring your wine to you! \nBECOME A MEMBER\nIf you are interested in learning more about the benefits of Wine Club Membership or if you would like to sign up to become a member\, click here. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201110T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201110T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201028T172442Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201028T173946Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm.  For only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! \n  \nLUNCH CHOICES \n* Turkey club Sandwich – roasted turkey breast\, bacon\, lettuce\, tomato\, and cranberry sauce stacked on 3 slices of white toast. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Muffaletta Sandwich – a New Orleans staple. Ham\, Genoa Salami\, Mortadella\, Provolone\, Mozzarella and Olive tapenade on Brioche. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Salami Mozzarella and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich – Genoa salami\, fresh mozzarella olive oil\, roasted red bell peppers and basil on a French roll. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Thai Pita – Peanut butter\, honey\, lime\, cilantro and chimi churri served open face on pita. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201108T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201108T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201102T202421Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201102T202421Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill w/ Steve Sharp DESCRIPTION:Join us on “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music by Steve Sharp\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $20 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event.  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nLaurie\, from our Tasting Room\, will be at Wine on the Hill with our Thanksgiving bundles. Try a sample and pick up a bundle for Thanksgiving.\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive music by Steve Sharp from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited to 40 vehicles. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots for the first hour. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of the nearby restaurants mentioned above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets for parking are non-refundable. If we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201107T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201107T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201102T202352Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201106T221416Z SUMMARY:SOLD OUT Wine on the Hill w/ Steve Sharp & friends DESCRIPTION:Join us on “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music by Steve Sharp & friends\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $20 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event.  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nLaurie\, from our Tasting Room\, will be at Wine on the Hill with our Thanksgiving bundles. Try a sample and pick up a bundle for Thanksgiving.\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive music by Steve Sharp and friends from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited to 40 vehicles. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots for the first hour. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of the nearby restaurants mentioned above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets for parking are non-refundable. If we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201103T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201103T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20201028T172354Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201028T173940Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm.  For only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! \n  \nLUNCH CHOICES \n* Turkey club Sandwich – roasted turkey breast\, bacon\, lettuce\, tomato\, and cranberry sauce stacked on 3 slices of white toast. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Muffaletta Sandwich – a New Orleans staple. Ham\, Genoa Salami\, Mortadella\, Provolone\, Mozzarella and Olive tapenade on Brioche. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Salami Mozzarella and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich – Genoa salami\, fresh mozzarella olive oil\, roasted red bell peppers and basil on a French roll. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. \n* Thai Pita – Peanut butter\, honey\, lime\, cilantro and chimi churri served open face on pita. Served with creamy potato & herb soup and a baked fuji apple tart for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201031T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201031T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200902T203806Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201024T174758Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill w/ Steve Sharp Band DESCRIPTION:Join us on Halloween for our final “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $20 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event.  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive music by the Steve Sharp Band from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited to 40 vehicles. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots for the first hour. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of the nearby restaurants mentioned above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets for parking are non-refundable. If we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201027T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201027T163000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200820T012300Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T232018Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:Join Emily and Sophia every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook Live at 4:00pm for a Virtual Cheers! They will be informing you about our upcoming events\, new wine and merchandise\, changes in our operation during this difficult time\, and more – all with a smile on their faces and a glass of wine in their hands. Drop by the live stream and tell them what you’re drinking\, how you’ve been keeping busy\, what your favorite August Hill and ISC wines are\, or ask them any burning questions you may have about wine! \nYou can join the live stream here: URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201027T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201027T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200621T191007Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T231348Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, now offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm. \n\n\n\n\nFor only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\n \n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\n\n\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! Lunch will be available noon-2 pm.\n\n\n \n\n\nLUNCH CHOICES\n\n\n* Sweet Cashew Turkey Salad Sandwich – Roasted turkey breast with cashews\, dried apricots\, green onion and a fresh Greek yogurt dressing and topped with baby romaine on wheat berry bread. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Chicken Caesar Pita – Mediterranean seasoned chicken breast strips with brown rice\, romaine\, green onion\, and tossed with traditional Caesar dressing in a whole-wheat pocket pita. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Uptown Cobb Salad Sub – An American classic. Layers of ham\, lettuce\, onion\, bacon\, and hard-boiled egg stuffed in a hollowed baguette roll with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Hummus and Veggie Wrap – You don’t have to be a vegetarian to love this one. This delicious wrap is made with homemade hummus\, shredded veggies and our own balsamic vinaigrette\, rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201024T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201024T210000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200930T144035Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201005T214622Z SUMMARY:Hocus Pocus on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Dust off your broom and grab your pals for a fun night out on the spacious hillside at our winery & vineyard\, featuring the Hocus Pocus movie on the big screen and your favorite August Hill & ISC wines! We are offering this event on both Friday\, October 23\, and Saturday\, October 24. You can arrive as early as 5 pm; the movie will begin at 7 pm. \nOne $25 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $25 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $30 per car.  Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. Click here to reserve a parking spot for Friday night\, 10/23. Click here to reserve a parking spot for Saturday night\, 10/24. \nWitch Way to the Wine?\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area. Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly. \n\nIn addition to bottles of wine\, we also will offer glasses of warm witches brew (aka August Hill spiced wine) at the event.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave.\nWine Club pick-up orders are not available for pickup at the event.\n\nCostumes – Drawing for a Prize\nWhile we aren’t having a costume contest\, we will have a special drawing for a prize; you can enter if you come in a costume. While we encourage costumes\, it is not required. When planning your costume\, keep in mind that you will be navigating a hillside and you will be outdoors. \nRain Out Date\nOur rain out date is Sunday\, October 25. If we need to reschedule because of rain\, we will send you an email prior to the event. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have three porta pots and two hand washing station on site. \nParking\n​Park between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nFlashlight for navigating the hillside in the dark.\nWe’ll have popcorn available for sale. You are welcome to bring your own snacks or other food.\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled). No outside alcohol please.\nBottled water (we’ll have some available for sale too)\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (if you bring a blanket\, you might want to also bring some plastic to put under it in case the grass is wet)\nBug spray\n\nOther important info \n\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\, shade tents or pop-up canopies\nPlease leave your four-legged friends at home\nDress appropriately for the weather as we do not have space heaters.\nOur hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nNo more than 10 people in your group per Illinois guidelines.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWe will not be providing any winery tours\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \n\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201023T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201023T210000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200930T150701Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201001T191107Z SUMMARY:Hocus Pocus on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Dust off your broom and grab your pals for a fun night out at our winery & vineyard\, featuring the Hocus Pocus movie on the big screen and your favorite August Hill & ISC wines! We are offering this event on both Friday\, October 23\, and Saturday\, October 24. You can arrive as early as 5 pm; the movie will begin at 7 pm. \nOne $25 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $25 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $30 per car.  Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. Click here to reserve a parking spot for Friday night\, 10/23. Click here to reserve a parking spot for Saturday night\, 10/24. \nWitch Way to the Wine?\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area. Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly. \n\nIn addition to bottles of wine\, we also will offer glasses of warm witches brew (aka August Hill spiced wine) at the event.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave.\nWine Club pick-up orders are not available for pickup at the event.\n\nCostumes – Drawing for a Prize\nWhile we aren’t having a costume contest\, we will have a special drawing for a prize; you can enter if you come in a costume. While we encourage costumes\, it is not required. When planning your costume\, keep in mind that you will be navigating a hillside and you will be outdoors. \nRain Out Date\nOur rain out date is Sunday\, October 25. If we need to reschedule because of rain\, we will send you an email prior to the event. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have three porta pots and two hand washing station on site. \nParking\n​Park between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nFlashlight for navigating the hillside in the dark.\nWe’ll have popcorn available for sale. You are welcome to bring your own snacks or other food.\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled). No outside alcohol please.\nBottled water (we’ll have some available for sale too)\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (if you bring a blanket\, you might want to also bring some plastic to put under it in case the grass is wet)\nBug spray\n\nOther important info \n\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\, shade tents or pop-up canopies\nPlease leave your four-legged friends at home\nDress appropriately for the weather as we do not have space heaters.\nOur hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nNo more than 10 people in your group per Illinois guidelines.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWe will not be providing any winery tours\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \n\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201020T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201020T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200621T190937Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T231328Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, now offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm.\n\n\n\n\nFor only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\n \n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\n\n\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! Lunch will be available noon-2 pm.\n\n\n \n\n\nLUNCH CHOICES\n\n\n* Sweet Cashew Turkey Salad Sandwich – Roasted turkey breast with cashews\, dried apricots\, green onion and a fresh Greek yogurt dressing and topped with baby romaine on wheat berry bread. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Chicken Caesar Pita – Mediterranean seasoned chicken breast strips with brown rice\, romaine\, green onion\, and tossed with traditional Caesar dressing in a whole-wheat pocket pita. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Uptown Cobb Salad Sub – An American classic. Layers of ham\, lettuce\, onion\, bacon\, and hard-boiled egg stuffed in a hollowed baguette roll with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Hummus and Veggie Wrap – You don’t have to be a vegetarian to love this one. This delicious wrap is made with homemade hummus\, shredded veggies and our own balsamic vinaigrette\, rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201018T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201018T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200928T231324Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201017T213903Z SUMMARY:CANCELLED Wine on the Hill w/ the Eye 39 band DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $20 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event.  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive music by the Eye 39 Band from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nPark between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of the nearby restaurants mentioned above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nSmall tent or umbrella for shade is allowed\, but please be respectful of others when staking your spot\nSunscreen & bug spray\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets for parking are non-refundable. If we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201018T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201018T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200819T205805Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T231501Z SUMMARY:Sunday Bubbly Brunch DESCRIPTION:Come join us for a Sunday Bubbly Brunch\, now offered on Sundays\, from 11am-2pm at our Tasting Room \nBubbly & Brunch for 2 – only $40\nIncludes two brunch plates and one bottle of bubbly. Each plate includes 2 appetizers\, 2 gourmet deviled egg halves and dessert. All food items are locally prepared by Nonie’s Bakery & Cafe. \nRSVP is required\nPlease call the Tasting Room at 815-667-5211 with your brunch choices no later than Friday at 3:00pm. \nBrunch selections\n1. Bottle of Sparkling Wine – Choose ISC Brut or ISC Brut Ombré Rosé \n2. Appetizers – Choose 2 for each plate \n\n\n\nCream puff shell filled with chicken salad\nCream puff shell filled with ham salad\n4” flour tortilla wrap filled with avocado\, bacon and pimento cheese\n4” flour tortilla filled with fresh spinach\, feta cheese spread and sun-dried tomato\n\n\n\n3. Gourmet Deviled Eggs – each plate receives 2 halves \n4. Desserts – Choose 1 for each plate \n\n\n\nMini apple turnover\nMini cherry turnover\nMini apricot turnover\nMini blueberry turnover\nMini raspberry turnover\nMini chocolate turnover\nMini bear claw\nMini cream horn\nMini cheese danish\nFresh fruit kabob URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201013T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201013T160000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200727T162839Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T231743Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:Join Emily and Sophia every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook Live at 3:30 for a Virtual Cheers! They will be informing you about our upcoming events\, new wine and merchandise\, changes in our operation during this difficult time\, and more – all with a smile on their faces and a glass of wine in their hands. Drop by the live stream and tell them what you’re drinking\, how you’ve been keeping busy\, what your favorite August Hill and ISC wines are\, or ask them any burning questions you may have about wine! \nYou can join the live stream here: \nAugust 11:  What American grapes should I be familiar with? URL: LOCATION:IL ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201011T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201011T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200928T155534Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200928T225641Z SUMMARY:Wine\, Music & Art on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Parking reservations for this event are different from other events. Reserve your parking spot through NCI ARTworks by clicking here. \nEnjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music\, art\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nMusic by Joey Figgiani from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nPark between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nSmall tent or umbrella for shade is allowed\, but please be respectful of others when staking your spot\nSunscreen & bug spray\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable. However\, if we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201009T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201009T183000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200916T233042Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T233042Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill w/ Kayla Brown DESCRIPTION:J \noin us for “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard\, from 3pm until sunset on Friday\, October 9. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music from 3:30-6:30 pm\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $15 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive Music by Kayla Brown\, 3:30-6:30 pm. \nParking\nPark between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of our recommendations above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nSmall tent or umbrella for shade is allowed\, but please be respectful of others when staking your spot\nSunscreen & bug spray\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable; however\, if we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine. URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201006T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201006T160000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200727T162332Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T231714Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:Join Emily and Sophia every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook Live at 3:30 for a Virtual Cheers! They will be informing you about our upcoming events\, new wine and merchandise\, changes in our operation during this difficult time\, and more – all with a smile on their faces and a glass of wine in their hands. Drop by the live stream and tell them what you’re drinking\, how you’ve been keeping busy\, what your favorite August Hill and ISC wines are\, or ask them any burning questions you may have about wine! \nYou can join the live stream here: URL: LOCATION:IL ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201006T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201006T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200621T190825Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T231141Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, now offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm.\n\n\n\n\nFor only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\n \n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\n\n\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! Lunch will be available noon-2 pm.\n\n\n \n\n\nLUNCH CHOICES\n\n\n* Sweet Cashew Turkey Salad Sandwich – Roasted turkey breast with cashews\, dried apricots\, green onion and a fresh Greek yogurt dressing and topped with baby romaine on wheat berry bread. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Chicken Caesar Pita – Mediterranean seasoned chicken breast strips with brown rice\, romaine\, green onion\, and tossed with traditional Caesar dressing in a whole-wheat pocket pita. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Uptown Cobb Salad Sub – An American classic. Layers of ham\, lettuce\, onion\, bacon\, and hard-boiled egg stuffed in a hollowed baguette roll with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Hummus and Veggie Wrap – You don’t have to be a vegetarian to love this one. This delicious wrap is made with homemade hummus\, shredded veggies and our own balsamic vinaigrette\, rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201004T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201004T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200916T233618Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200916T233655Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill w/ BOGO Free DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music by BOGO Free\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $20 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event.  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nBOGO Free will be providing music from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nPark between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of the nearby restaurants mentioned above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nSmall tent or umbrella for shade is allowed\, but please be respectful of others when staking your spot\nSunscreen & bug spray\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable; however\, if we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201004T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201004T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200902T201156Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200902T201156Z SUMMARY:Sunday Bubbly Brunch DESCRIPTION:Come join us for a Sunday Bubbly Brunch\, now offered on Sundays\, from 11am-2pm at our Tasting Room \nBubbly & Brunch for 2 – only $40\nIncludes two brunch plates\, one bottle of bubbly\, and a small carafe of OJ for mimosas.  Each plate includes 2 appetizers\, 2 gourmet deviled egg halves and dessert. All food items are locally prepared by Nonie’s Bakery & Cafe. \nRSVP is required\nPlease call the Tasting Room at 815-667-5211 with your brunch choices no later than Friday at 3:00pm. \nBrunch selections\n1. Bottle of Sparkling Wine – Choose ISC Brut or ISC Brut Ombré Rosé \n2. Appetizers – Choose 2 for each plate \n\n\n\nCream puff shell filled with chicken salad\nCream puff shell filled with ham salad\n4” flour tortilla wrap filled with avocado\, bacon and pimento cheese\n4” flour tortilla filled with fresh spinach\, feta cheese spread and sun-dried tomato\n\n\n\n3. Gourmet Deviled Eggs – each plate receives 2 halves \n4. Desserts – Choose 1 for each plate \n\n\n\nMini apple turnover\nMini cherry turnover\nMini apricot turnover\nMini blueberry turnover\nMini raspberry turnover\nMini chocolate turnover\nMini bear claw\nMini cream horn\nMini cheese danish\nFresh fruit kabob URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201003T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201003T170000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200902T203940Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201002T134853Z SUMMARY:SOLD OUT Wine on the Hill w/ She's a Maybe DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $20 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event.  IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive music by She’s a Maybe from 1:30-4:30 pm! \nParking\nParking is limited to 40 vehicles. We will have a person guiding arrivals into parking spots for the first hour. If no parking attendant is present\, please follow the layout and conserve more spots for others arriving later. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of the nearby restaurants mentioned above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nSmall tent or umbrella for shade is allowed\, but please be respectful of others when staking your spot\nSunscreen & bug spray\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nIf we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201002T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201002T190000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200916T232624Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200918T143013Z SUMMARY:Wine on the Hill w/ Christina Eltrevoog DESCRIPTION:Join us for “Wine on the Hill” at our August Hill & ISC winery and vineyard\, from 3pm until sunset on Friday\, October 2. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Illinois Valley\, live music from 3:30-6:30 pm\, and your favorite wine while hanging out on our spacious hillside. \nOne $10 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $10 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $15 per car.  Click here to reserve your spot. Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. \nWine Orders & Pre-Ordering – wine available by the bottle only \n\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area.  Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave\nWine Club pick-up orders and wine tasting kits are not available at the event.\n\nFood Pre-Ordering\nOrder food and have a picnic! Here is a list of food places we recommend: \n\nThyme Craft Kitchen (delivery or pickup) – order online at this link. When ordering online\, use this address if you choose delivery: 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, Illinois. Also\, be sure to enter the correct date and time for the event you are attending. Use coupon code AugustHill3 when ordering to get free delivery.\nLou’s Lagrotto (delivery or pickup) – Call 815-223-3083 to place your order. If choosing delivery\, mention this is for the August Hill Wine on the Hill event and the correct date and time for the event you are attending.\nStone Jug BBQ (pickup only) – To  place an order for pickup\, call Stone Jug at 815-780-8275; let them know the time and date you will be picking up.\nMickey’s Massive Burritos (pickup only) – Order online on day of event and pick up prior to joining us at the event.\n\nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have two porta pots and a hand washing station on site. \nEntertainment\nLive Music by Christina Eltrevoog\, 3:30-6:30 pm. \nParking\nPark between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nSnacks or other food (or order from one of our recommendations above)\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled)\nBottled water\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (for steeper areas of the hill\, a blanket works best; chairs work fine on flatter surfaces)\nSmall tent or umbrella for shade is allowed\, but please be respectful of others when staking your spot\nSunscreen & bug spray\nA smile on your face (we will have ours!)\n\nOther important info \n\nSocial distancing: Our hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nParty-size restriction: No more than 10 people in your group please\, per Illinois guidelines.\nWe will not be providing any winery or vineyard tours.\nDogs are allowed\, but must remain on a leash. We will have specific marked “bathroom” areas for dogs; please use this area and clean up after your dog.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable; however\, if we need to cancel because of weather\, we will send you an email prior to the event and give you the option to re-schedule for another Wine on the Hill or receive a full refund for your pre-ordered event ticket and wine.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \nFrom Peru\, IL on Rt. 251 to Winery & Vineyard\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 \nFrom Spring Valley\, IL on Rt-89\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200929T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200929T163000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200820T012543Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200831T140929Z SUMMARY:Virtual Cheers DESCRIPTION:Join Emily and Sophia every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook Live at 4 pm.  They will be talking about our upcoming events and more. So pour a glass of your favorite wine and join us for a virtual cheers! \nYou can join the live stream here by clicking this link. URL: LOCATION:IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20200929T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20200929T140000 DTSTAMP:20240504T132045 CREATED:20200819T211610Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200819T211610Z SUMMARY:Tuesday Lunch DESCRIPTION:Join us for Lunch at the Tasting Room\, now offered every Tuesday\, from 11 am – 2 pm. \n\n\n\n\nFor only $20/person\, you can enjoy a glass of wine of your choice and a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Rina from John and Rina’s.\n\n\n \n\n\nRESERVE YOUR SPOT\n\n\nReservations are required (Lunch orders need to be in by Monday at 4 pm). Please call the Tasting Room ahead of time at 815-667-5211 to give us the date you would like to join us\, your lunch choice\, and an estimated time of arrival\, and we will have your lunch ready for you when you come! Lunch will be available noon-2 pm.\n\n\n \n\n\nLUNCH CHOICES\n\n\n* Sweet Cashew Turkey Salad Sandwich – Roasted turkey breast with cashews\, dried apricots\, green onion and a fresh Greek yogurt dressing and topped with baby romaine on wheat berry bread. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Chicken Caesar Pita – Mediterranean seasoned chicken breast strips with brown rice\, romaine\, green onion\, and tossed with traditional Caesar dressing in a whole-wheat pocket pita. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Uptown Cobb Salad Sub – An American classic. Layers of ham\, lettuce\, onion\, bacon\, and hard-boiled egg stuffed in a hollowed baguette roll with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert.\n\n\n \n\n\n* Hummus and Veggie Wrap – You don’t have to be a vegetarian to love this one. This delicious wrap is made with homemade hummus\, shredded veggies and our own balsamic vinaigrette\, rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla. Served with Fiesta Black Bean & Corn Salad (roasted black beans & corn w/ onions & sweet peppers in a Tex Mex dressing) and Raspberry Mousse with shaved chocolate for dessert. URL: LOCATION:AHW & ISC Tasting Room\, 106 Mill Street\, Utica\, IL\, 61373\, United States END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR