BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//August Hill Winery - ECPv6.4.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for August Hill Winery REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Chicago BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:CDT DTSTART:20200308T080000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20201101T070000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201024T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201024T210000 DTSTAMP:20240507T104921 CREATED:20200930T144035Z LAST-MODIFIED:20201005T214622Z SUMMARY:Hocus Pocus on the Hill DESCRIPTION:Dust off your broom and grab your pals for a fun night out on the spacious hillside at our winery & vineyard\, featuring the Hocus Pocus movie on the big screen and your favorite August Hill & ISC wines! We are offering this event on both Friday\, October 23\, and Saturday\, October 24. You can arrive as early as 5 pm; the movie will begin at 7 pm. \nOne $25 Advance Ticket = One Parking Spot\nTickets are for reserved parking because we have limited parking at the winery. The cost per car is $25 if purchased in advance (max of 10 people per group per IL Covid guidelines). The cost goes up at the door (if we don’t sell out) to $30 per car.  Please note\, when ordering it will ask for number of “attendees”; you will choose 1 for one car\, 2 for 2 cars\, etc. Click here to reserve a parking spot for Friday night\, 10/23. Click here to reserve a parking spot for Saturday night\, 10/24. \nWitch Way to the Wine?\nPre-order your wine when you order your parking spot ticket to make sure we have your wine properly chilled for you to enjoy at the event. IMPORTANT: When placing your order online\, please select “Pickup at Wine on the Hill event” when you get to the checkout area. Click here to order August Hill. Click here to order ISC bubbly. \n\nIn addition to bottles of wine\, we also will offer glasses of warm witches brew (aka August Hill spiced wine) at the event.\nPurchase wine to take home: We will have order forms available at the event. We will get your wine ready for you so it is available when you are ready to leave.\nWine Club pick-up orders are not available for pickup at the event.\n\nCostumes – Drawing for a Prize\nWhile we aren’t having a costume contest\, we will have a special drawing for a prize; you can enter if you come in a costume. While we encourage costumes\, it is not required. When planning your costume\, keep in mind that you will be navigating a hillside and you will be outdoors. \nRain Out Date\nOur rain out date is Sunday\, October 25. If we need to reschedule because of rain\, we will send you an email prior to the event. \nVenue & Accessibility\nThe venue is a large\, grassy hillside overlooking the Illinois Valley. Depending on where you choose to sit\, the climb varies between slightly challenging and quite challenging. We will have three porta pots and two hand washing station on site. \nParking\n​Park between the lines in the marked parking spaces please as our parking is limited. Then check in with our staff and pick up your chilled wine. \nWhat to Bring \n\nDrinkware: You can bring your own or we have some available for purchase or plastic cups for free.\nFlashlight for navigating the hillside in the dark.\nWe’ll have popcorn available for sale. You are welcome to bring your own snacks or other food.\nCooler with ice (to keep your wine chilled). No outside alcohol please.\nBottled water (we’ll have some available for sale too)\nBlanket and/or lawn chairs for seating (if you bring a blanket\, you might want to also bring some plastic to put under it in case the grass is wet)\nBug spray\n\nOther important info \n\nThe following are NOT permitted at this event: outside alcohol\, marijuana\, firearms\, shade tents or pop-up canopies\nPlease leave your four-legged friends at home\nDress appropriately for the weather as we do not have space heaters.\nOur hillside is a large area\, so please follow CDC social distancing guidelines and place your seating a minimum of 6 feet away from other parties and the walkways.\nNo more than 10 people in your group per Illinois guidelines.\nSmoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.\nGrilling is not allowed.\nWe will not be providing any winery tours\nWine Club orders cannot be picked up at this event; only at the Tasting Room.\nTickets are non-refundable.\n\nGetting you Here\nThere is NO “August Hill Winery” signage from the road. Please use Google Maps Pinpoint to find us; the pinpoint is:  If you look at satellite view\, you can see our spot. Here are the written directions These directions are coming from the north\, so if coming from the south you will need to turn at the road at the bottom of the hill prior to crossing the river: \n\nFrom Peru\, go south on Rt. 251 over the Illinois River Bridge. Turn right at first road after you cross bridge (2551st Rd). Follow curved road @1 mile to “T” and turn right (still 2551st Rd.) Our winery is about 1.7 miles on left\, offset up on the hill. The winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228\nFrom Spring Valley\, stay on Rt-89 crossing the Illinois River Bridge. Before going up the steep hill\, turn left on road (2551st Rd). Travel on road for about 1.5 miles where curves around a farm on right. Just after the curve\, you will see the winery offset on the right up on the hill. Our winery building is white with a burgundy roof\, and there are a couple of semi trailers parked up near it. Also\, there is a blue sign near the entrance of driveway saying our address: 21N 2551Rd. GPS: 41.299550\, -89.163228 URL: LOCATION:August Hill Winery & Vineyard\, 21 N 2551st Rd\, Peru\, IL\, 61354 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR